Healthy School Environment Project Resources

The average school building in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is over 45 years old and many are in poor condition due to deferred maintenance or outdated methods. The resulting conditions can have a serious impact on student and staff health & performance. The good news is that there are now excellent guidelines for no-cost, low-cost, logical and affordable measures to help improve the health of schools! Visit theBay Backpack Healthy School Projects page to learn about green cleaning & sustainable purchasing options; safe pest management; responsible transportation choices including anti-idling; healthy food, air quality and drinking water; and how to increase outdoor time and improve students’ physical fitness. Check out additional local and regional resources below!

Links to Sections

Green Cleaning & Sustainable Purchasing

Bay Backpack Projects:

Green Cleaning for Schools

Purchase Green & Sustainable Products

Safe Chemical Management in Schools

Regional & National Resources:

Healthy Schools Campaign: Green Clean Schools

EPA Cleaning Effectively for a Healthy School Environment

EPA Overview of Healthy School Cleaning & Maintenance

EPA: Managing Chemicals in Schools

School Classroom & Laboratory Chemical Safety Resources

EPA: Learning & Teaching About the Environment

EPA: Purchasing Environmentally Preferable Products for Schools

Healthy & Responsible Transportation Resources

We can all play a part in helping to clean the air. Vehicle idling results in emissions of carbon dioxide, particulate matter and nitrogen oxide – all pollutants that harm the environment. Additionally, idling represents a significant health issue for children and people with existing respiratory issues like asthma and emphysema. Because of these reasons, many states have identified idling as an important issue that needs to be addressed.

Green Schools can create an idling policy to keep the air clean in and around school communities. Check out tools for Maryland schools here.

Check out State and Chesapeake Bay Regional links below.

Bay Backpack Projects:

Programs to Reduce Vehicle Idling

Walking, Biking & Safe Routes Programs

Regional & National Resources:

Children’s School Bus Exposure Study

Adopting Clean Fuels & Technologies on School Buses: Health Impacts in Children

EPA Idle-Free Schools Toolkit

Organize Carpools, Bikepools & Walkpool

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Healthy & Sustainable Food Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

Healthy, Sustainable School Food Initiatives

Procuring Healthy Food for Schools

Edible School Gardens

Regional & National Resources:

Active Design Kit for Schools

Alliance for a Healthier Generation: School Initiatives

Better School Food

Farm to School Network Resources Search Engine

Food Corps

Growing Great Schools

Healthy Kids School Grants: Improve students’ nutrition & activity

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver’s Kitchen Garden Project

Slow Food

The Edible Schoolyard

USDA Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program

Voices for Healthy Kids: Campaign Toolkits

Wellness in the Schools

Where Your Food Comes From: Farm-Based Education Network Resources

Integrated Pest Management

Bay Backpack Projects:

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Schools

Regional & National Resources

EPA IPM Grants

Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Manual (List IPM Websites)

Pesticide Action Network

Physical Fitness & Outdoor Time Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

Projects to Encourage Physical Fitness & Outdoor Time

Projects to Encourage Outdoor Play & Discovery

Regional & National Resources:

Active Design Toolkit for Schools

Action for Healthy Kids: Wellness Policy Tool

Alliance for a Healthier Generation: School Initiatives

CDC: School Health & Physical Activity Guidelines

Green Strides SHAPE America: National Physical Education Resources

Safe Drinking Water Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

Safe Drinking Water: Train, Test, Tell

Regional & National Resources:

EPA: 3 T’s to Reduce Lead in School Drinking Water

EPA: Ground Water & Drinking Water

EPA School Water Quality Resources (scroll down)

Lead in Schools & Lead-Free School Products

Parent Guide to Lead in School Drinking Water

Source Water Collaborative

School Air Quality Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

Projects to Improve & Protect School Air Quality

Regional & National Resources:

EPA: Indoor Air Quality in Schools

EPA: School Air & Water Quality

EPA: Indoor Air Quality

EPA: All Popular Air Quality Topics

There’s Something in the Air – BioEd, Teacher’s Resources

The Science of Air – BioEd

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