Clean Water Project Resources

Stormwater runoff is the fastest growing source of pollution to the Chesapeake Bay. Every time it rains, stormwater carries sediment, nutrients and pollutants into waterways. Visit theBay Backpack Clean Water Projects page to learn how to implement rain gardens, rain barrels, school wetlands and other projects to protect, improve and maintain creeks, rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. Want to learn more, and find resources and opportunities near you? Check out additional local and regional resources below.

Links to Sections

Rain Garden Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

Rain Garden Instructions

Regional & National Rain Garden Resources:

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay: Rain Gardens

Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Build a Rain Garden Guide

Chesapeake Stormwater Network: Rain Gardens

Clean Water Network

EPA: Rain Gardens

Rain Gardens for the Bays (Guide & App)

Rain Garden Network (Main)

Rain Garden Network: How to Build a Rain Garden in 10 Steps

Stormwater Alliance for the Bay: Downspout Disconnect

Stormwater Alliance for the Bay: Rain Gardens

(Also: NRDC: Water Smart Cities & Things You Can Do)

Rain Barrel Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

Rain Garden Project Instructions

Regional & National Rain Barrel Resources:

EPA: Rain Barrels

Stormwater Alliance for the Bay: Rain Barrels

Stormwater Alliance for the Bay: Downspout Disconnect

Chesapeake Ecology Center: Rain Barrels

Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Build Your Own Rain Barrel

Clean Water Network

(Also: NRDC: Water Smart Cities & Things You Can Do)

Stream Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

Stream Project Instructions

Forest Buffer Project Instructions

Regional & National Stream Resources:

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay: Project Clean Stream

CBF: Major River Watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay

Chesapeake Bay Foundation: State Healthy Water Initiatives

Chesapeake Bay Program: Rivers & Streams

Clean Water Network

Izaak Walton League: Save Our Streams

Izaak Walton League: Find Your Local Chapter

Trout Unlimited

(Also: NRDC: Water Smart Cities & Things You Can Do)

School Wetland Resources

Bay Backpack Projects:

School Wetlands Project Instructions

Regional & National Wetland Resources:

Chesapeake Bay Program: Wetlands

USFWS-CBFO: The Value of Wetlands

Wetland Restoration & Training: School Wetlands Programs

Wetlands Live Resources

Clean Water Network

(Also: NRDC: Water Smart Cities & Things You Can Do)

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