
Join Us in Supporting Our Mission

MAEOE is a small non-profit organization, and our mission is made possible by the dedication and support of volunteers like you. There are several ways you can get involved and make a difference:

  • Green Leaders support local schools in their journey to achieve Green School Award status.
  • They provide guidance and project support based on their interests and the school's needs.
  • Learn more here.
  • Our annual MAEOE Conference, attended by over 500 educators, relies on volunteers.
  • Tasks include registration, assisting with MAEOE sales, and exhibitor set-up.
  • Check out the Conference Page in December each year to find out more.
  • Each year in the Spring, MAEOE receives applications from schools participating in the Maryland Green School program. They must each be reviewed by three independent reviewers.
  • Volunteers helping with the reviews are trained using the Maryland Green School rubric.
  • Training sessions and reviews are all done virtually.
  • change address to engagement@maeoe.org
  • Each May K-12 students celebrating their school’s Maryland Green School achievements attend the Maryland Green Schools Youth Summit.
  • Volunteers help with tasks such as registration, greeting buses, assisting at booths, and clean-up.
  • Find out more about the Maryland Green Schools Youth Summit.

For additional information about volunteer opportunities, please contact engagement@maeoe.org. Your involvement makes a meaningful impact on our mission.