Maryland Green Schools Sustainable Schools Update
Starting in the 2020-2021 school year, the Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE), is modifying the Maryland Green Schools program. This modification will impact a school that has successfully completed four or more applications and is recognized as Sustainable. Starting in 2022, Sustainable Schools will need to reapply every four years to maintain their Sustainable status. This process will allow schools to continue their best practices, encourage environmental education, participate in conservation professional development, and grow student stewardship. |
The application has been revised and simplified for Sustainable Schools. The Green Center network, the MAEOE staff, and other partners are ready to offer support through staff and Green Leader turnover at schools. With over 70 Sustainable Maryland Green Schools, the green work you are doing impacts thousands of students every year. Sustainable Schools will lead to future generations of educators and students who reduce the carbon footprint of a school and to ongoing learning and stewardship opportunities for our students.
MAEOE recognizes that Sustainable Schools were not expecting to complete another Green School application. With the world around us changing so rapidly it is imperative that we prepare our students to meet these challenges and allow green schools to maintain viable and sustainable green school programs. By continuing the strong sustainable culture in your school, you are creating a better world for future generations of Maryland children and a culture we want to recognize and celebrate for its accomplishments. Please attend an Info Session on Tuesday, November 10 from 4:00 – 5:00 PM to learn more about the process, review the Application Guide, and get answers to your questions. RSVP HERE. Applications will be accepted in March 2022 for the first cohort. See the table below to check the year you need to reapply:
This process will continue every four years for all Sustainable Schools. Click on the links below to view the Sustainable Schools Application Guide and Rubric. Link to Application Guide; Link to Rubric Thank you for supporting the Maryland Green Schools Program, The MAEOE Green Schools Committee |