Juliann Dupuis
Dr. Juliann Dupuis is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean in the School of Education at Notre Dame of Maryland University. In these roles she oversees the secondary science program and is the Director of the STEM leadership program. Her background is in wildlife and fisheries biology and science education. At her previous positon at the University of New Hampshire, Juliann was the Assistant Coordinator for the Masters in Environmental Education program, where she taught the practicum and oversaw student internships in non-formal environmental education sites. Within her current role, she teaches STEM courses, including a sustainability course for educators, an application of engineering design, and a STEM summer institute which includes the use of Projects WET, WILD, Learning Tree, Wonders of Wetlands, Invasive Species, Flying Wild, and NOAA Globe. Each of the courses that she teaches includes a component of environmental education, but these three courses in particular require students to conduct research and develop projects or solutions to problems focused on environmental issues. Students focus on designing and carrying out green school initiatives which can help them to apply for green school status or to keep them current. As a proponent of environmental education, educators in her courses are required to attend environmental, field-based trips in order to experience situations that they should be including their students in.
Juliann has been an active member of both NAAEE and MAEOE, presenting at both conferences and acting as a member of the conference planning committee for MAEOE. Juliann is served as the co-chair of the 2019 MAEOE conference committee. As part of this role, she helped to coordinate volunteers to present on a STEAM panel, present at a STEAM fair, construct displays for the student STEAM art exhibit, work with vendors for marketing materials and videography, among other items. She is extremely passionate about environmental education and is committed to advancing the mission of MAEOE.