Liz Wist
Liz Wist is the Education Coordinator at the Maryland Coastal Bays Program (MCBP), a National Estuary Program and non-profit located in Berlin, Maryland. As the Education Coordinator, Liz provides vision and leadership for MCBP’s education and public involvement initiatives. Liz is responsible for the development, creation, and evaluation of environmental education programs. In addition to these programs, she designs curriculum, leads interpretive programs and summer camps, mentors seasonal staff, and provides professional development for educators. Liz is also responsible for organizing and facilitating MCBP community engagement opportunities such as Discover Your Watershed, Bay Day, and Living Local agricultural initiative with local and state partners.
Liz joined the Maryland Coastal Bay Programs in January of 2017. A Berlin native, Liz left her hometown to obtain her B.A. in Environmental Studies from Eckerd College, and her M.S. in Environmental Studies with a concentration in environmental education and interpretation from UNC-Wilmington. Liz previously worked as a naturalist at an outdoor school in Texas, as an ocean educator for MarineQuest, and as a crew chief for the Ocean City Beach Patrol.
Liz has served actively on the MAEOE Conference Committee since fall 2017.