Melissa Boyle Acuti
Melissa Acuti is currently the Maryland Park Service’s Statewide Interpretive Manager and works out of the Annapolis Headquaters Office. Melissa has been with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources- Maryland Park Service since 2010 and worked as a Park Ranger and Assistant Park Manager at Point Lookout State Park and as the Conservation Corps Program Coordinator before taking her current position. Melissa was also previously employed by Carroll County Recreation and Parks as the Park Manager of Hashawha Environmental Center and a Park Naturalist at Bear Branch Nature Center. Melissa also worked as a teacher at the Carroll County Outdoor School.
Melissa has her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and her Master’s Degree in Environmental Biology from Hood College.
Melissa currently lives in Edgewater and in her spare time enjoys bird-watching, gardening (with native plants), kayaking and sailing the Chesapeake with her husband. In addition, each fall Melissa tags migratory Monarch butterflies and helps run an owl banding station for migratory Northern Saw-whet Owls.
Melissa has attended almost every MAEOE conference since 2000 and especially enjoys the networking opportunities and feeling of re-invigoration that follows each conference. Over the past two years, Melissa has assisted with the MAEOE Auction at the Conference. This past year, Melissa also attended the MAEOE Youth Summit at Sandy Point State Park. Melissa’s many connections with the state parks and park staff will benefit MAEOE as much as MAEOE will benefit Maryland’s State Parks.