MELAN (Maryland Environmental Literacy Advisory Network)

Jemima Clark

Network Coordinator’s Note

As we begin the second year of the MELAN Project, I have dedicated time to compiling data, assessing outreach impacts, and gathering personal stories. The tangible outcomes from our inclusive network focused on Environmental Literacy, community building, and progress are truly impressive! I am more committed to this project than ever as changemakers unite their goals across state, federal, and local levels, working together to advance this initiative meaningfully. 

What do I have the honor of witnessing? Communities of Practice thriving in higher education, LatinX communities, and initiatives for climate resilience. The EcoRise Gen:Thrive Landscape Assessment and Resource Directory data enhance our understanding of the needs within environmental education. Gen:Thrive now offers a thorough directory for Maryland that is regionally accessible, supporting E-Lit. Additionally, I see interested and active leaders participating in state meetings, watershed-wide gatherings, and local community events. The first year of MELAN concentrated on internal Network Building, while the second year our focus shifted to external outcomes, such as raising awareness through a functioning website, a MELAN Newsletter, and the MELAN@MAEOE Conference. We are engaging our participants with a statewide gathering in February, Regional Hub Weaver trainings, and Weaver-Led Regional Hub and COP gatherings. Please join us in the Network’s journey forward. 

Jemima Clark, MELAN Coordinator

Maryland Environmental Literacy Advisory Network (MELAN)

The Maryland Environmental Literacy Advisory Committee originated as a NOAA BWET Grant Proposal in late 2020, in response to many Project Green Classrooms and Chesapeake Bay Program Education Workgroup discussions identifying the need for an independent Network, with a funded Coordinator, positioned adjacent to the State Governing bodies and tasked with meeting the outcomes in the Logic and Action Plans around cultivating networks and conducting landscape assessments.

With a particular focus on regionally specific hubs in under-resourced areas, MELAN’s role is relationship and trust building first, and then network growth and local capacity building. Utilizing additional funding from the Chesapeake Bay Trust, a part time Network Coordinator was hired in April 2023. The first Regional Hub meetings kicked off in January of 2024, and the first state convening at the MAEOE Conference in February 2024. MELAN launched a statewide landscape assessment/resource directory through EcoRise's  Gen:Thrive Project in May 2024.

Network Vision

MELAN embraces environmental literacy as a life-long learning journey cultivated through formal and non-formal educational experiences that spark inspiration, enhance critical thinking, improve physical and mental health, and empower learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to fuel a greener economy and shape a more resilient & equitable region. MELAN envisions healthy, engaged, and prepared youth, adults and communities nurturing our lands and waters and rising to meet the environmental and socio-economic challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Network Purpose

The purpose of MELAN is to strengthen relationships, establish communication pathways and identify collaboration opportunities state-wide between formal and non-formal networks of educators and the communities they serve to cultivate the conditions necessary for equitable environmental literacy efforts to grow and thrive across all of Maryland’s diverse county landscapes.

Network Values

Shared Leadership & Decision-Making: We cultivate shared commitment, decision-making, and action that recognizes the interdependence of our communities. 

Equitable Inclusion & Accessibility: We affirm that every individual brings their own unique wisdom, value, and experience, and we uphold their right to recognition, representation, and dignity. 

Responsive: We evolve in response to the changing needs and assets of network participants, and Maryland’s diverse communities. We commit to remaining flexible and responsive to challenges and opportunities. 

Data Driven: We draw upon quantitative and qualitative data from assessments and other community evaluations to inform our work. Relationship Focused We focus on building trusted relationships and seek collaborations with diverse partners who share a common purpose.

Who We Are

The Maryland Environmental Literacy Advisory Network (MELAN) is a group of education professionals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives dedicated to the advancement of environmental literacy across Maryland. MELAN serves in an advisory capacity and as a conduit for increasing environmental literacy capacity for decision-makers at the state and local levels.

MELAN Coordinator, Jemima Clark,

Network Organization

Maryland Environmental Literacy Advisory Network (MELAN)

What We Do

The Maryland Environmental Literacy Advisory Network (MELAN) builds capacity of, and increases collaboration between, existing state-wide environmental literacy networks to ensure all students in Maryland are environmentally literate upon graduation.

How We Do The Work

Foster Connectivity & Collaboration:  Facilitate communication and relationship-building between representatives of networks and organizations. Convene stakeholders to assess opportunities for collaboration around our shared purpose, needs, and assets. Support coordination among community partners. Collect, analyze, share and utilize data.

Support a Network Ecosystem:  Build understanding, culture, and capacity among members to operate within a network. Establish mechanisms to influence state and local leadership to advocate for systemic integration of environmental literacy efforts, including providing equitable funding to school districts for systemic programs.

One quick way to get involved is through your MELAN Regional Hub and Community of Practice. Reach out to the Weaver listed below to find a Regional Hub or COP Gathering near you!

Maryland Environmental Literacy Advisory Network (MELAN) Advisory Team Organizational Chart

Lower Eastern Shore S. Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester Andrea Garcia, MD Coastal Bays
Liz Wist, MD Coastal Bays
Mid Shore


N. Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline, QA, Kent, Cecil Suzanne Sullivan, ShoreRivers
Central MD &

Baltimore City

Anne Arundel, Prince George's, Howard, Montgomery

Baltimore City, Balt Co, Nearby Providers

AACPS, (Mel Parker)

Southern MD Calvert, Charles, St. Mary's, S AA, S Baltimore Co. Michelle Hickerson, Alice Ferguson Foundation

Cody Hance, Alice Ferguson Foundation

Western MD Garrett, Allegany, Washington Lacey Day, Evergreen Heritage Center

Janice Keene, Evergreen Heritage Center

Frederick Area Frederick, Carroll, Harford, W Baltimore Co. Carey Murphy, Mobilize Frederick

Janet Ady, Mobilize Frederick

LatinX Community Statewide Abel, Defensores de la Cuenca
Valeria Jarjuri, Defensores de la Cuenca
Higher Education Statewide Adam Frederick, MD Sea Grant
Chelsea McClure, Towson University
Sarah Haines, Towson University









Find out what's going on!  MELAN is working to facilitate improved communication in the ee provider networks, formal & informal.




Another way is through our Partnership with EcoRise and the Gen:Thrive Project.

Gen:Thrive, a program of EcoRise, is a collaborative initiative that provides shared data and technology tools to accelerate sustainability and advance health, equity and climate resilience in K–12 schools.