MAEOE Green Ambassadors FAQs
Green Ambassadors Frequently Asked Questions
The Change from Green Leaders to Green Ambassadors
MAEOE Green Ambassadors are the new MAEOE Green Leaders! We are redefining the role of the MAEOE Green Ambassadors as a distinct volunteer program, with a new structure that will allow us to build a cohort of trained individuals who are dedicated to providing direct support to schools. By enhancing our support for the Green Schools program, we aim to offer more effective assistance and resources to schools during the Green School application process.
We have found that the title of “Green Leader” was a source of confusion for teachers and staff already associated with a Green School or Green Center. Many of these individuals coincidentally call themselves “Green Leaders” for their school’s application process. Thus, we felt the need to change the title of this program to avoid misunderstandings.
Additionally, in the past, individuals from Green Centers were sometimes considered MAEOE Green Leaders. However, since Green Centers have their own application requirements and are equipped to work with schools in ways that an individual is not, we have designated that MAEOE Green Ambassadors are individual volunteers not already associated with a Green Center.
About Green Ambassadors
The NEW MAEOE Green Ambassadors Program is a volunteer initiative designed for individuals who support the Green Schools application process. Green Ambassadors may work with schools renewing their Green School Award, expired schools who are interested in becoming Green Schools again, or schools who are new to the Maryland Green Schools program.
Green Ambassadors assist schools with their Maryland Green School application through the following means:
- Reaching out to a school intending to apply or renew in the upcoming academic year
- This may be a school the Green Ambassador already has connections with, or a school that MAEOE assigns to the Green Ambassador
- Presenting information about the application requirements to the school in the fall
- Troubleshooting the school’s application and portal questions
Green Ambassadors also assist MAEOE with application reviews in the spring and volunteer at the Youth Summit in May.
Green Ambassadors attend four trainings/events throughout the year:
- Green Ambassador training in the late summer/early fall
- A progress update meeting in early December
- Application reviewer training in February
- The annual Youth Summit in late May
For information on upcoming training sessions, visit our Green Ambassadors main page.
Who is a Green Ambassador?
No. If you are interested in helping other schools apply for a Green School award, then you are welcome to become a Green Ambassador. Otherwise, there is no need for teachers who are the designated “Green Leader” of their school to attend Green Ambassador training.
No. Green Centers already assist schools with their Green School applications. If you are wanting to become a Green Ambassador in addition to working at a Green Center, you would be doing so on your own personal time.
No. While your Green Leaders may find Green Ambassador training helpful, we recognize that some Green Centers and school districts have a support system in place for schools that works for them, and we do not need to be involved in the finer details of how you manage that system.
Yes! While the essence of the Green Ambassador program is still the same as Green Leaders, there are still some details of the program that have changed. In addition, the Green Schools application has recently gone through an update, and we need all Green Ambassadors to be on the same page about the updated requirements.
Absolutely! As long as you have an interest in working with schools and increasing sustainability, we are happy to work with Green Ambassadors of all backgrounds.
Additional Questions?
Email us at