Earth Day 2021 Maryland Green Schools Announcements
MAEOE is pleased to announce the 2021 Maryland Green Schools honorees!
The number of Maryland Green Schools grew to 672 during the 2020/21 academic year, representing 36% of all schools in the state and an addition of 11 new schools. Of the 70 successful applications, 47 schools recertified their Maryland Green School status. 12 schools achieved “sustainable” Maryland Green Schools status
During the global COVID-19 pandemic, Maryland Green Schools students have shared their passion for the environment with their families. Students have reported spending time with their families recycling, planting vegetables and native plants, and being more mindful of turning off unnecessary lights.
For a full list of all 672 Maryland Green Schools: https://maeoe.org/green-schools-and-green-centers/green-schools-program/current-green-schools#toc
36% of all Maryland schools are participating in the program.
For the full press release: