Conserve Resources Project Resources

The cost and environmental impact of a school can vary widely depending on how the school addresses energy and water usage, the disposition and reduction of waste, and the design of the school building itself. Visit the Bay Backpack Projects to Conserve Resources section to learn how students and staff can implement initiatives to use less energy, less water, and fewer natural resources while developing the knowledge and skills to address sustainability and environmental issues in their community and beyond. Want to learn more, and find resources and opportunities near you? Check out additional local and regional resources below.

Links to Sections

Recycling & Waste Reduction

Bay Backpack Projects:

Food Waste Reduction & Composting Projects

Waste Free Lunches

Recycling & Waste Reduction Programs

National & Regional Resources: Food Waste Reduction / Composting Resources

EPA: Pack a Waste Free Lunch

EPA Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Resources for Educators & Students

EPA Learning & Teaching About the Environment (awards, resources, more)

National & Regional Resources:Waste Free Lunch & Snacks

EPA: Pack a Waste Free Lunch

EPA Learning & Teaching About the Environment (awards, resources, more)

EPA Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Resources for Educators & Students

National & Regional Resources: Recycling

American Federation of Teachers: School Recycling

NERC: School Recycling Program & Greening Resources

Earth 911: How to Recycle Anything (Click Recycle Guide)

Education World: Trash & Recycling Lessons

EPA Learning & Teaching About the Environment (awards, resources, more)

EPA Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Resources for Educators & Students

EPA WasteWise


NorthEast Recycling Council

The Teacher’s Guide: Recycling Lesson Plans

PBS Kids: Greens Activity Guide

PGPS: Great Recycling Resources List

Nature Bridge: Garbology (Video of Recycling Facility)

School Energy Efficiency

Bay Backpack Projects:

School Energy Efficiency Strategies

Renewable Energy & Green Roofs: Solar Panels, Geothermal, Wind

Regional & National School Energy Efficiency Resources:

Alliance to Save Energy

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy


EPA: Learning & Teaching About the Environment

Powering Down: Behavior-Based Energy Conservation in K-12 Schools

School Dude Energy Management Resources

Wind Exchange: Wind for Schools

Water Efficiency & Conservation

Bay Backpack Projects:

School Water Conservation Strategies

Regional & National Water Conservation Resources:

EPA: Interactive Water Cycle (flash)

EPA: Water Topics

EPA WaterSense

EPA WaterSense at Work Manual

School Facility & Efficiency & Improvements (Water Conservation)

Water Use It Wisely: 100 Ways to Conserve Water

Water Conservation Case Studies:

Center for Green Schools: School Case Study

Center for Green Schools: School District Case Study

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