Winter 2022

Winter 2022 Newsletter
Updates and information on the Maryland Green Schools Program, MAEOE events, and much more!

The entire MAEOE team would like to wish you a wonderful winter season. Thank you for the time, energy and support you provide to your students to create environmentally literate citizens and stewards. As always, we at MAEOE are here to support teachers and the environmental education community to promote environmental awareness and literacy, sustainability, stewardship and youth voice.

The fall season was busy with Green Schools information sessions and online portal trainings, workshops, programs and more. Our staff presented at the NAAEE conference in Tucson, Arizona in October, where we were able to expand our network and learn about environmental education work across North America. Our participation in this conference allows us to provide high-quality resources and training to formal and non-formal educators throughout the state of Maryland. To better support our programming, please consider completing our PLT Integration Survey and share how you use Project Learning Tree’s curriculum and let us know what resources you’d like to learn more about.

We are looking forward to what winter is bringing, including, funding opportunities and our first in-person MAEOE Conference since 2020. Register for the Green Schools Committee Meeting on Thursday, December 8 from 4:30-5:30 PM to get more info. This meeting is open to everyone.

Keep scrolling through this newsletter to get more information on the Green Schools program, the MAEOE Conference, grant opportunities, and upcoming events and professional development.

Alisa, Camille, Laura, and Mary



Online Portal Training (via Zoom on 12/7 from 4:30-5:30 PM): Create an account, learn how to submit an application, and ask questions. REGISTER HERE.Green TEACHER Leader Meetings (via Zoom on 12/13, 1/17, 2/14, 3/7, 4/11, 5/2, 6/6 from 4:30-5:30 PM): Monthly informal conversations that focus on one theme within the Green Schools application. Attend one or allREGISTER HERE.

Green CENTER Leader Meetings (via Zoom on 12/15, 1/19, 2/16, 3/9, 4/13, 5/4, 6/8 from 3:00-4:00 PM): Monthly informal conversations that give you an opportunity to connect with non-formal educators at nature and environmental centers across Maryland. Attend one or all. REGISTER HERE.

Green School Committee Meeting (via Zoom; 12/8/2022: This is an open Committee meeting that anyone can join. Learn more about the program and hear the latest updates. REGISTER HERE.

Important Dates:

  • Intent to Apply due: 12/16, via online portal
  • Application Submission due: 3/17, via online portal
  • Award Announcements: 4/21, via email
  • Youth Summit, May 18, Sandy Point State Park

Information to Look for in early 2023

Pre-Review Sessions (via Zoom on 2/9, 2/14, 2/21, 3/7): Work with an expert and receive a preliminary review of your application prior to submission.

Application Reviewer Training (via Zoom on 2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16): Learn how to use the new online application portal to review an application.

Review Sessions (virtual and/or in-person on 3/22, 3/23, 3/24, 4/5, 4/6, 4/12): These sessions will support the new online review process.
  • Virtual sessions will be held at various times.
  • In-person sessions will take place in four different locations in Maryland: Western Maryland, Central Maryland, Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore.
Interested in hosting a review session? Email

Questions about the application process? Email


Four Funding Opportunities from MAEOE

 Apply and get more information hereRegister for an Info Session.

Funds are available for:

  • Student Action Projects: supports projects that exemplify student voice and have an environmental focus
  • Transportation: supports the transportation needs of getting students to and from environmentally-focused field experiences.
  • Teachers Stipends for Leading a Green Team: supports  teachers leading a Green Team
  • Professional Development: supports organizations offering environmentally focused training for educators.


February 3-5 at the Princess Royale in Ocean City

Learn Green, Live Green: Be Green

We have the honor of announcing Dr. Rose Brusaferro as our Conference Opening Speaker and Anna Rathmann as our Keynote Speaker!

Get more information about the conference, including exhibitors and sponsorship, registration fees, schedule-at-a-glance, hotel information, and speakers on our website.

Registration will open soon!

 Questions? Email


We are planning professional development opportunities for the year, so keep checking our website for updates.

Green Schools are Awesome Course (Summer 2023): During this advanced Green Schools training, you’ll learn more about environmental literacy in Maryland and how these standards connect to systemic sustainability, student-driven sustainability practices, and community practices. Attend three trainings sessions and earn 1.0 MSDE CPD Credit. (member price: $40; non-member price: $60) 

Project Learning Tree Workshops

Trees and MeInteractive, 7.5 hour in-person workshop for early elementary/elementary educators. Participants receive a guide, and can earn 0.5 MSDE CPD Credits. Date & Location TBD: late February/ early March; (member price: $35; non-member price: $45) 

Sensational Trees: Interactive, 7.5 hour in-person workshop for early elementary/elementary educators. Participants receive a guide and can earn 0.5 MSDE CPD Credits. Date & Location TBD: late February/early March (member price $35; non-member price; $45)

PLT Facilitator Retreat: Join other PLT Facilitators from Maryland for this day long interactive retreat. Engage in PLT activities and learn about new resources. New and experienced PLT Facilitators are welcome. Date & Location TBD: early/mid-March 2023. 

MAEOE Summer Institute: This interactive two-day in person workshop for PreK-8 grade educators. Participants receive a guide and can earn 1.0 MSDE CPD Credit. Late June 2023, Location TBD.

Climate Education Workshops: Spring 2023. More information will be shared soon!

Professional Development Calendar: Check out the MAEOE Professional Development Calendar for information on PD happening across the state. Many opportunities are free! This calendar is updated on a regular basis so check back often.

Questions? Email


BMore Green Team Quarterly Virtual Meetings (12/14, 3/15, 6/7)

To support youth passionate about the environment in the Baltimore-area MAEOE has created a space for high school students in Baltimore City and Baltimore County to learn about local issues, collaborate with other students, and create opportunities to teach others in their school an community about environmental issues that are important to them.

Email to learn more.

Click on the links for more information:Events/Programming

  • 12/3, 12/4, and 12/18 (2 PM – 8PM): 2022 Holiday Open House: Thorpewood
  • Green Kids After School Activities: Free, hands-on activities for MSPS elementary and middle schools. Schools must be working toward Green School status. Provided by Nature-Forward. Email for more info.





Project Learning Tree is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool through Grade 12.

MAEOE is the State Coordinator for PLT and offers training to help you support integration of PLT into your program and classroom curriculum. We have virtual and in-person professional development opportunities.

Contact Mary Westlund at to learn more about PLT Workshops. For more information about Project Learning Tree, click here!


Have you visited the Resource Library on our website lately? There, you will find excellent information, references, and training to support environmental literacy and using the outdoors as a classroom. There are also resources that support teachers and parents at home, DEIJA materials, and grant information.

 Learn more about becoming a member of MAEOE here!


Check out our Jobs Board for some great, environmental jobs in Maryland!
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